Holland Lops
They are the smallest lop-eared breed recognised by American Rabbit Breeder's Association (ARBA). Its show weight is between 2 - 4lbs and they are known for their 'massive' look in a small body. Holland lops have an upright stance, and very large, wide heads and short, thick ears. Their body are also wide, short and stocky.
Mini Lops
They are medium-sized breed, weighing about 5 - 7lbs. They are larger but not as wide, as short and stocky as the Hollands. Their overall appearance is more narrow and have longer ears than the Holland Lops.
Personalities - wise, both breeds are very sweet, loving companions overall, however, it also depends on individual bunny. Mini Lops tends to be more laid back and calm compared to Holland Lops, which are generally a more active and curious breed. Once again, it completely depends on the individual bunny.